The “(in)dispensable project” is an ongoing social engagement-art project documenting individuals working in the solid waste + recycling industry in turkey. This project was a collaborative venture between artist, Heidi K. Brandow + designer Sinem Sayar. Creative institution and community outlet, Circuit Istanbul, served as a host and showcased this project in March 2018. It is an ongoing collaborative project that involves higher educational partnerships that incorporate creative interventions proposed by college students from Istanbul.
A short-film that documents this project and the community collaborators is currently in the development stages and is expected to commence in late 2018 through early 2019.

An ongoing social engagement-art project documenting individuals working in the solid waste + recycling industry in turkey.

An ongoing social engagement-art project documenting individuals working in the solid waste + recycling industry in turkey. March 2018

A social engagement-art project documenting individuals working in the solid waste + recycling industry in Turkey.

A social engagement-art project documenting individuals working in the solid waste + recycling industry in Turkey.

Interview: Laura Fisher
The "Defining: Home Project" is an ongoing social engagement art project by multi-disciplinary artist, Heidi K. Brandow. The “Defining: Home Project” allows participants to share their evolving definitions of home. All interviews and experiences were documented through photography and short film. More info: www.defininghome.tumblr.com
Sponsored by: The Turkish Cultural Foundation, The Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian

Interview: Brian Vallo (Acoma Pueblo)
The "Defining: Home Project" is an ongoing social engagement art project by multi-disciplinary artist, Heidi K. Brandow. The “Defining: Home Project” allows participants to share their evolving definitions of home. All interviews and experiences were documented through photography and short film. More info: www.defininghome.tumblr.com
Sponsored by: The Turkish Cultural Foundation, The Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian

Interview: Ruben
The "Defining: Home Project" is an ongoing social engagement art project by multi-disciplinary artist, Heidi K. Brandow. The “Defining: Home Project” allows participants to share their evolving definitions of home. All interviews and experiences were documented through photography and short film. More info: www.defininghome.tumblr.com
Sponsored by: The Turkish Cultural Foundation, The Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian

Interview: Alexa Mangrum
The "Defining: Home Project" is an ongoing social engagement art project by multi-disciplinary artist, Heidi K. Brandow. The “Defining: Home Project” allows participants to share their evolving definitions of home. All interviews and experiences were documented through photography and short film. More info: www.defininghome.tumblr.com
Sponsored by: The Turkish Cultural Foundation, The Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian

Interview: Kaz Tani
The "Defining: Home Project" is an ongoing social engagement art project by multi-disciplinary artist, Heidi K. Brandow. The “Defining: Home Project” allows participants to share their evolving definitions of home. All interviews and experiences were documented through photography and short film. More info: www.defininghome.tumblr.com
Sponsored by: The Turkish Cultural Foundation, The Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian
Halka Sanat Projesi/Halka Art Project
Mural: "Object: Animal + Patterns" 2014
Istanbul, Turkey

Museum of Contemporary Native Art (MoCNA) - Artist-in-Residence, Spring 2016: Heidi K. Brandow working at the MoCNA A-i-R studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.